EVS Sint-Michiels
Car park + apartments + offices
12.600 m²
Sint-Michielsplein/Onderbergen/Wilderoosstraat, Ghent
This is an urban construction project consisting of apartments and offices on top of an underground car park. Four buildings surround a new inner courtyard.
Seventy apartments were built around the inner area on the Wilderoosstraat, Sint-Michielsplein and Onderbergen.
The old coach house, the Koetshuis, and part of the old saddlery, the Zadelhuis, were also renovated. Both house offices. Municipal Parking Department offices were moved into the newly constructed building and the car park’s driveway and entrance building were finished definitively.
Do you have a specific project you would like to discuss? Would you like to apply spontaneously?
Contact us, Katrien will be happy to help.
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