Old offices Bontinck
Office space
550 m²
Kortrijksesteenweg, Sint-Denijs-Westerm
The existing offices were completely cleared and stripped back down to the original structure.
Office space is situated across three levels. Two of these levels accommodate two communal workspaces each for twelve employees. Informal meeting tables are placed throughout the space. One large table serves a multi-purpose function as social area, meeting table and model table.
The ground-floor level serves as the executive area and consists of a meeting room with the facilities required for presentations and two individual offices with a communal meeting room. Ceilings, screed flooring and walls have all been finished in white. All workstations, cabinets and chairs are also white. This creates a neutral background for the employees and the projects they are working on.
White also ensures optimal light dispersion and cooler surroundings in sunlight. Communal workbenches create an environment in which ideas and experiences can be exchanged in an optimal fashion.
Do you have a specific project you would like to discuss? Would you like to apply spontaneously?
Contact us, Katrien will be happy to help.
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