Dulle Griet
Urban renewal project with commercial units + 44 residential units + underground car park
Commercial: 8.533 m² |residential: 4.465 m² | car park: 5.036 m²
Ghent, Vrijdagmarkt
This development project involves a housing block enclosed by three streets – the Vrijdagmarkt, Langemunt and Onderstraat – one of the most historic spots in the Ghent city centre. It will form a powerful entity in which old and new, commercial and residential, and green and urban will go hand in hand to revive this city district.
An inventory was taken of the historic buildings and structures in partnership with Monumentenzorg, the Belgian department for heritage conservation. These buildings will be fully renovated and restored. Restructuring uncontrolled past construction will reintroduce a much needed lightness, airiness and structure within this city block. Gaps that emerge between historic buildings will be filled with contemporary architecture to form a harmonious whole.
Basement, ground-floor and first-floor levels will be fitted out for commercial purposes. Each unit will be accessible via its own entrance at street level. The commercial spaces on the Langemunt will be large and deep. Retail outlets on the Vrijdagmarkt will be defined along historic lines and will consequently be small and shallow. This will result in a mix of commercial properties.
Residential accommodation will be located over the commercial units, at first-floor level and above. This will provide a mix of houses and apartments of varying sizes in both historic and newly constructed buildings. Homes will bring back new life to this city block. All houses and apartments will be accessible from a communal inner area. A network of patios will be created on the first level and a wonderful urban garden will be landscaped on the second level. The inner area will be accessible via entrances on the Vrijdagmarkt, Langemunt and Onderstraat. In addition to communal, landscaped areas, each home will also have its own private terrace.
There will be a private residents’ car park on two sub-basement levels (-2 and -3) accessible via a passageway connecting with the public car park beneath the Vrijdagmarkt.
Do you have a specific project you would like to discuss? Would you like to apply spontaneously?
Contact us, Katrien will be happy to help.
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