Global Hotel Haarlem
3.990 m²
Damstraat, Haarlem
The Global Hotel Haarlem project involved the construction of a new four-star hotel in keeping with the Holiday Inn formula in Haarlem’s historic city centre. The hotel would have been built on top of a two-storey car park that was under construction and would have comprised five floors along the Damstraat and three floors along the Berkenrodesteeg. The interjacent area would have been landscaped as a patio with roof gardens. This would have created a lightness and airiness on the ground-floor level in the centre of the building.
The hotel would have been built in brick with irregular window openings. A gallery would have shielded the cafeteria on the ground floor from passers-by on the street front. The ground-floor area was designed to be a glass show box. An internal concourse on the ground-floor level would have connected the Damstraat to the Berkenrodesteeg. There would have been terraces on the top floor along the Damstraat. From these terraces, there would have been a magnificent view over the Spaarne river.
Do you have a specific project you would like to discuss? Would you like to apply spontaneously?
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