Multi-family and ground-floor dwellings on a private inner area
6.062 m² inner area | 1.377 m² built-up areas | 3.452 m² total area
Zwijnaarde, Heerweg Zuid - Begoniastraat
This site is located at the junction of the E40 and E17 motorways, and consisted of a dilapidated inner area interwoven with the surrounding urban fabric and bounded on two sides by two roads – the Heerweg Zuid and Begoniastraat.
The development project involved six separate buildings, opening up the inner area into an airy space that blended with adjacent sites and formed a landscaped link between the two adjacent roads.
The decision was made to build a wide variety of homes by opting for a mix of apartment types, as well as ground-level homes.
The entire project consists of six buildings forming a single entity incorporating a variety of materials, and window and terrace types.
Light-coloured facade plasterwork contrasts with darker nuanced brickwork with a mix of horizontal and vertical windows in each building.
The inner area itself has been landscaped and includes a private road.
Do you have a specific project you would like to discuss? Would you like to apply spontaneously?
Contact us, Katrien will be happy to help.
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